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I want to see you!

'It’s been a dissonant summer, to say the least, and I want to hear from you about what is happening in your own world. Normally these conversations happen casually after a church service when you are dropping kids off at youth group, and everywhere in between. Alas, those things just are not happening right now. So, between now and December 16, I want to meet, in person, with all the parents in our youth ministry at your home. Below you will find a button to sign up for a slot, this will make scheduling really easy for everyone.

In this visit, I simply want to hear from you about your summer, hopes and dreams for the upcoming year, and maybe we will even talk about youth group and other related topics.

On the topic of visits, I also want to see students. Over the summer I managed to visit with many students but not everyone! I try hard to try and see everyone each year, but it doesn’t always happen. If you are a student and reading this, just get in touch with me and we can schedule something soon. I will always, always, meet with you if you ask! If you are a parent and reading this, please do not hesitate to ask me to meet with your teenagers if you want.  

Click here to schedule a visit!