About Us

Our Vision:  To follow Jesus Christ and celebrate life in Him.

Our Mission:

We are:
Gathering, by God’s saving grace, people who are
Growing in godliness as we spend our lives
Going out in gratitude to serve the world by
Giving of our spiritual gifts and resources for the common good,
Glorifying God in all of life.

Willoughby Church is part of the denomination called: The Christian Reformed Church of North America

  • Christian because we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.  We are sinners saved by God’s grace, and we try to obey Jesus in all of life.
  • Reformed because the Bible has shaped our teachings and our lifestyle in every generation since the Protestant Reformation.
  • Church because God’s Spirit gathers us together and enables us to commit ourselves to each other for support and service in this community and beyond.

We are one of nearly 1,000 Christian Reformed churches -- large and small -- scattered across Canada and the United States.  With almost 285,000 members, our fellowship of churches is nearly 150 years old.  Willoughby Church itself began in 1950.  It grew from a church of 11 families that worshipped in rented buildings to a church of approximately 250 members.


All we have, all we do and all we are is for Jesus.

We invite the people who don’t know Jesus to join us in following Jesus.

We discover, affirm, develop, and use our spiritual gifts to serve God and our neighbour.

We follow and nurture Christ-like leaders who model and equip us
for a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

We will grow, from infancy through old age, in knowledge, service and devotion to God.

The poor, the lost, and creation matter to us like they matter to God.

God’s Word and Spirit transform us to be more like Jesus.

We worship God through diverse expressions of art, music and spoken word.

We pray in everything.