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There is a tremendous need for housing for the poor in Guatemala. Many of those we build for are single mothers who have lost their husbands to sickness, or their husbands leave because they cannot provide for their family and they simply give up.  

Most of the men work in the sugar cane fields getting paid by the acre. If they are unable to finish an acre in a day they do not get paid. For the long day it takes to complete this, they use drugs. Addiction and the cost of drugs create other problems. Working in the sugar cane fields is a no win situation—the result of injustice to the poor by wealthy land owners—a cycle of poverty that continues from one generation to the next.  

During the rainy season, the roofs leak, bedding and other household items get wet, and people become sick. Proper housing is necessary. Concrete foundations are laid for the galvanized homes which come as kits produced in Central America. The pieces are bolted and screwed together with help from some of the locals. Bunk beds are installed as well as a high efficiency slow burning wood stove.  

The financial support you provide for the team to build homes for our global neighbours is huge. Thank you so much for supporting this ministry financially and prayerfully. I will continue to go as long as I can.  

by Norm Groot