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“In this world you will have tribulations, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

The church leadership and staff continue to monitor the current COVID 19 situation and are committed to adapting to any changes as best we can. Our objectives are to maintain the online worship services and current communication practices and to ensure that we continue to provide love and care for one another and our neighbours during this time of social distancing measures. 

COVID19 Response Update

1. Council has established a Covid19 Response Team consisting of Larry Van Wieren (chair), Leo Benne (Finance), Michelle Onderwater (Personnel) and Sonya Grypma.  This team is responsible for monitoring the situation and recommending further responses to COVID19. 

2. Council has implemented an Essential Services Policy and declared the Daycare an essential service. While the Daycare will remain in operation, all other ministries and rentals (except for Blood Donor Clinics) have been suspended and all pastoral and support staff have been asked to work from home. The church office is closed, however, church email and the street mailbox will be checked regularly. 

3. An Online Prayer Page has been created for you to be in prayer for one another during this time. This page will be updated regularly. Submit your prayer requests through one of the pastors. Contact info is included on the prayer page.  Click the Members Only button on the top bar menu.  

4. Communication networks for pastoral care are currently being established to ensure that everyone, in particular seniors and vulnerable people, is being supported and cared for. We want to encourage you to stay connected with others in our church family. You are encouraged to pick up the phone, send a text, use social media – remind yourself and others that we are not alone and that we care.

5. Giving: There are several ways that you can continue to support the local and global ministries of this church through automatic deposit, mailed cheques (designate your gift on the memo line) and most recently through our online giving platform, (Click the Give button on the top bar menu) We will be monitoring our financial situation as well, reviewing our giving patterns and evaluating essential costs in order to maintain our financial and ministry commitment.