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Dine and Discover, our Tuesday night discipleship event, offers sessions on a variety of topics designed to help you grow your faith as you discover that Jesus makes a difference, wherever you’re at in life.  This Fall, we’re discovering “The Epic Story” - a look at God’s story from creation to the new creation in 10 intergenerational sessions.  It’s a whirlwind tour, for sure, but it’s a great way to get a bird’s-eye view of how God worked and is still working through his people.

Why intergenerational?? Does it really work to have all ages learning together??  The answer is a resounding “yes”!!  To grow in faith, we need each other!  To truly be the body of Christ we need the enthusiasm of children, the energy of teens, and the wisdom and experience of adults.  We all have things to teach each other, and we all can help point each other to God.   In the past few years, many educators have begun to identify some drawbacks of the “silo” approach to faith nurture in which all age groups are separated.  That approach has allowed teaching tailored to the learning abilities of particular groups, but it has also had some negative results, such as:

  • A lack of community within the church family;
  • The loss of opportunities to learn and grow with those who are in different places on the faith journey;
  • Parent's expectation that church will be the primary source of faith nature for their children. 

“When we bring the different age groups together, we see a revitalization of the faith of the elders and a deeper understanding of the faith traditions on the part of the young.  All ages faith nurture empower parents to share their faith more openly at home.”  (Intergenerational Faith Formation, Twenty-Third Publications, 2008)

It’s not to late to join us  for sessions 7 - 10.  Tuesdays, November 1 - 22 - Dinner 6:00pm, WE 6:30pm