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Offering for weeks 1 & 2 of February: Cedar Haven Women’s Recovery: Cedar Haven run by The Union Gospel Mission (UGM) is located in rural Langley. This program seeks to walk alongside women in their recovery journey offering a Wrap Around Method of Care. This means women in recovery receive the resources they need to regain strength and build a life. Support is provided through shelter, trauma informed counselling, a 6-12 month recovery program and after care; including educational programs, transitional housing and onsite employment opportunities. 

You are invited to donate to this worthy cause by the offering plate or click here to give through Tithley (Cedar Haven Women's Recovery)

* The Deacons we will be doing two Special Offerings per month, Cedar Haven Women's Recovery will run for Weeks 1&2, with ABBA Canada running for Weeks 3&4 .  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithley for the whole month of February! *

Thank You: Tina and Ron Vance would like to express their deep appreciation for all your care, visits, meals and love, but especially your prayers following their accident in California. While Tina was hospitalised for a month and Ron feeling quite alone, we felt a deep sense of God's nearness, love and peace. While it was sometimes difficult to pray, you held us up and sustained us with your prayers. You brought us peace.
Thank you!
Tina and Ron

Youth: Join us on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm for faith, devotion and fun!!!  Youth is for children in grades 8-12 and they meet every Sunday evening here at Willoughby.

Here is the activities for the month of February:

  • February 2nd - Bible Study
  • February 9th - Cooking Night w/Liz - 5pm-7pm
  • February 16th - NO YOUTH - Happy Family Day!
  • February 23rd - Laser Tag with Preteens - 6pm-8pm - meet at Planet Lazer 19033 54 Ave - $10 Admission Fee

Thanks, Christian & Joanna

Preteens: Join us on Thursday evenings for faith, activities, bible study, games and a whole lot of fun!!! Preteens is for children in grades 4-7 and they meet on the first and third Thursday's of every month at 6:30pm. 

Here is the schedule for February:

  • February 6th - Bible Study
  • Febraury 20th - No Preteens - Laser Tag with Youth on February 23rd - 6pm-8pm - meet at Planet Lazer 19033 54 Ave - $10 Admission Fee

If you are interested in joining or want to know more about the program please contact Christian at

Monday's Bible Study: The bible study group will now meets on Monday's at 7:30pm in the prayer room! Come join us on Monday, February 10th to read and reflect on a psalm of Thanksgiving, Psalm 92. All are welcome!!! Any questions, call or email Pat.

Women’s Connect - Saturday, February 8, from 10am - 12:00pm. Join us for a fun Saturday morning of socializing and refreshments. We are going to be doing Pass The Painting Game.  All supplies will be provided. And no…great artistic skills are not required! It’s all in fun!  Invite a friend! Sign up sheet is in the foyer. For more info contact Marlene or Kim.

Blood Donor Clinic: This month we will be hosting our Blood Donor Clinic on Tuesday, February 11th starting at 1pm. If you are able, please join in saving lives together by donating blood.  Appointments are necessary and can be booked at

Donation Receipts 2024: The tax receipts for 2024 will be in your church mailbox for this Sunday, February 2nd.  If the envelope is not picked up by February 9th, then the tax receipt will be mailed to your home. Due to the Canada Post mail strike the CRA is administering the extension for 2024 charitable donations. This extends the deadline for making donations eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year to February 28, 2025. As a registered charity, the church will be issuing tax receipts for the calendar year of 2024, as well as an additional tax receipt for January and February 2025.  You may choose to use this additional receipt for the 2024 tax year or save it for the 2025 tax year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jenn our Church Bookkeeper at

You’re invited to share in celebrating the launch of Mary Appel Kooy’s new book,  How did we get here? An Immigrant’s Odyssey”.   Please join us Thursday, Feb. 6 from 10:00  - 11: 30  at  Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church, 9165  160th St.  in Surrey and enjoy a coffee time with treats and fellowship.  Mary’s memoir is of interest to all who can relate to the immigration experience and who would like to learn more on how they may be able to write their own.  If you already have a personal or family memoir (and plan to come) might you bring a copy for display only, table hosted by the church library?

February Mercy & Justice Webinars Gain Christian spiritual insight and practical understanding on timely & complex issues to do with the church's calling to practice mercy & justice. Feb 4: Refugee Welcome Amidst Changing Canadian Immigration Policy w/ Dena Nicolai; Feb 11: Disability without Poverty, w/ Rachel Vroege & Amanda Lockitch; Feb. 18: Positive Care & Grace in Dementia, w/ Steve Berkenpas; Feb 25: Reflecting on MAID, w/ Caroline Short. For more info or to register, click here.

You are invited to the Gloria Dei Chorale’s 70th Anniversary Fundraising Gala!  Come and join us for a special afternoon of delicious refreshments, lovely musical entertainment, silent auction and a baked goods sale. Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 2:00 -5:00pm at the New Westminster CRC, 8255 – 13th Ave, Burnaby, BC.  Tickets: $25 from choir members or at the door.  Contact Tina 604-588-6377 or Corry 604-584-5809 for more information.

You are making a difference! On behalf of the ministries of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, thank you for your gifts to ministry shares. Your support enables congregations to do so much more to further God's Kingdom than any one church could do alone. Our denomination could not impact the world through missions, media, and church development without your incredible and faithful support. Thank you! To discover more visit

Coffee Break: Bible Study, fellowship and refreshments for women of all ages, With Story Hour and nursery care for children, ages 0-5. Every Tuesday morning at Langley Immanuel Church (21713-50 Avenue, Langley) Doors open at 9:15 a.m. We will be studying the Book of Mark by Pastor Tim Keller. For more info please contact Elsa at or Rose at

A Thank You from World Renew: We were surprised and deeply humbled to receive a generous cheque from your church totaling $37,419.49, designated for various programs. Wow—what an incredible blessing! On behalf of World Renew and the participants we serve, please extend our heartfelt gratitude to your church community for their unwavering support and partnership in World Renew’s global mission.
These funds will make a profound impact—alleviating hunger, boosting food security, restoring creation, pursuing justice, and glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God continue to bless and guide you, and may His favor remain upon your church community. Amen!

Christian Stewardship Services: Conversations about your estate are always difficult.  Christian Stewardship Services is hosting open Q& A sessions every week this winter to answer all of your questions on charitable giving and estate planning,  Explore the topics and register on our website at: Each session will have a 10 minute introduction, then an interactive Q&A on any charitable giving and estate planning questions. The last five topics are: Executor and POA choices, Joint Accounts, Estate taxes, and Out of Country issues.

Calvin University: Online Course - The online course "Cultural Values in Ministry" equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry. Held online February 3-March 9, 2025. Register at

Annual Inter-Classis Safe Church Conference - Save the date! The 2025 annual inter-classis safe church conference is scheduled for March 1, 2025, from 9:00am-3:30 pm at the Waterloo (Ontario) CRC. Planning is ongoing, but we have confirmed that Sheila Wray Gregoire will be the plenary speaker. Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen and Julia Rathbun, both Safe Church Consultants with the CRCNA, will be leading workshops. The conference is hosted by the Classis Huron Safe Church Team under the coordination of Rev. Carel Geleynse. Further details will be available soon.

Technology Support Volunteer Opportunity in Nicaragua - Do you have IT skills and a heart for service? Tesoros de Dios, a ministry in Nicaragua serving children and youth with disabilities, is seeking a volunteer to help improve their technological systems. Tasks include updating databases, cleaning and securing computers, improving networks, and training staff in technology. This flexible opportunity ranges from 1 week to 3 months. Basic Spanish is preferred. Visit to learn more and apply!

1Life February Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the February newsletter.

Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world.  Click here to pray and read more!


January Series: Awe and Wonder Lead to Humility When people experience awe, research suggests, they can become more teachable, more humble.

January Series: The Future of Europe: Should It Still Matter? King’s life work was putting the gospel into action. What does that mean for us today?

Servant Leadership: World Renew Appoints Acting Executive Director The Canadian Board of Directors of World Renew has appointed Mike White to the role of acting executive director.

The Banner: To Be Like God Bible scholars say the phrase “knowing good and evil” in Genesis 3 is an idiomatic Hebrew way of saying, “the potential to unlimited knowledge.”

Groundwork: Jesus Prays for Us - In his High Priestly Prayer, Jesus prayed for us to experience unity and the Father’s love, and for the world to know God through our lives. Join Groundwork as we explore John 17:20-26 to witness the depth of Jesus Christ’s love for us and discuss what it means to live in the reality of Jesus’ prayer. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.


Town & Field Church: Is searching for a BOOKKEEPER / ADMINISTRATOR that will report to the Executive Pastor. Term: Full-time, ongoing - 30-40 hours/week; Location: Some aspects require working on-site at the church. Work-at-home hours can be discussed. Job Summary: You play a key role in Town + Field Church’s mission of joining God in restoring all things by being responsible for accurate financial recording, responsible stewardship, a administrative excellence. Wages and Benefits: $25-$30/ hour depending on education and experience. EFCC ben package

The Banner: The December edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating.

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at