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Offering for weeks 3 & 4 of May: The special offering for the last weeks of the month is for Campus Re/Formed Okanagan.  This ministry is led by Chaplain Rev. Dr. Todd Statham at UBC Okanagan. As a university chaplain, Todd seeks to equip and encourage students, staff, and faculty to be lifelong disciples of Jesus and faithfully serve Christ through their studies and research. Dr. Statham is an ordained CRC pastor and has been serving as campus pastor since 2016. For anyone who would like to learn more about the Campus Re/Formed Okanagan click here.

* The Deacons we will now be doing two Special Offerings per month, Advokate - Baby Bottle Campaign will run for the first two weeks, with Christian Reformed Campus Ministries Okanagan for weeks 3&4.  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithley for the whole month of May! *

Church Visitor Meeting: During the Council meeting on May 21st we will be joined by church visitors from classis BC Southeast (the regional gathering of Christian Reformed Churches we belong to). The church visitors come to hear stories of our shared ministry and mission at Willoughby CRC, to listen to how God is at work among us, and to discern together how God is calling us all to greater faith and faithfulness. The meeting with church visitors is open to members of Willoughby CRC and you may request time with the church visitors by contacting council. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact council at or Rev. Chris deWinter (our lead church visitor) at

Thank You: 

Vandenberg: Dear Willoughby family, I would like to thank you for your prayers and support during Dick's illness, it was much appreciated. I greatly miss Dick, but am so thankful that he is safe in his eternal home. Winnie Vandenberg

van der Kamp: It has been a while, but I want to thank all of you for your warm welcome and time during your service on April 28 so that I could share a bit about my work in the refugee camp on the island of Lesvos in Greece and my need for support partners. On June 3 I will travel back to Greece, so for further information, email me at : or go to and check for my photo under Our Missionaries to make a donation if you feel led in this way. Thank you all once again! May you continue to be a blessing to your community and beyond! Thank you all so much! Hannah

Wednesday Bible Study: Bible Study meets weekly on Wednesday, on May 22nd at 2pm. We will be studying from Micah 7. Everyone welcome! Please contact Pat Storteboom for more info.

Youth Group: Here is the schedule for May/June:

  • May 19 - Happy Long Weekend NO Youth.
  • May 26 - Study with Will and Joanna 7 to 830.
  • June 2 - Meet at Raving Gamer 630 to 830.
  • June 9 - Youth Dinner 5 to 7.
  • June 16 - No Youth- come to Church campout on June 15!
  • June 23 - Wrap up Pool Party at Kleingeltinks details to come.

Thanks!  The Youth Team - Amanda, Will & Joanna

Women's Connect Social: Come and join us for a morning of fun making a Herb Planter. Jane Traas will also be giving us tips on potted plants and hanging basket care, as well as a Q&A, so bring your questions!! If you know someone who might enjoy making a planter and meeting some new people, invite them. The more the merrier! Light refreshments will be provided. Saturday, May 25 at 10am. The cost is $15 per person to help cover the cost of materials. There will be a sign up sheet in the foyer before and after the service! 

Children's Ministry Volunteers: Our Children's Ministry is looking for volunteers on Sunday morning!! To ensure we have a safe environment for the children upstairs, especially the Nursery, we need a few more adults to look after the kids.  If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Christian at!!

SAVE THE DATE!!!!! Willoughby Church BBQ, Campout & Pancake Breakfast Event:  We will be having another campout and BBQ on Saturday, June 15th!!! Come out and enjoy the afternoon and evening together here at the church, with games, BBQ, sing-along & campfire!! Games start at 3:00pm with the BBQ and sing along after, if you aren't camping with us, then please come by anytime to share in the activities or just pop by to say hi!!! There will also be pancake breakfast before the church service on Sunday morning, so come hungry!

Send in your poems! We want to do a worship series during the summer where we include a poem every week in our liturgy. So if there is a worship-appropriate poem that you know and love, or that you yourself have written, please send it in! Our hope is to have poems from many different cultures, influences, and languages included. Every poem will be reviewed by staff to see where it might fit and if it is appropriate to include in a worship service. Please direct any questions to our worship coordinator, Jamie-Lynn Ravensbergen, and send all poems to

King's University 45th Anniversary Gathering! - Alumni, supporters, potential students and all those interested in The King's University are invited to attend a celebration in the barn at Swallowfield Farm in Langley on Saturday, June 8 from 6:30 - 8:30pm. Come meet old and new friends, enjoy complimentary drinks and snacks including stone-fired pizza, listen to some past and present stories and hear President Melanie Humphreys share about exciting new things happening at King's. Visit to RSVP today!

WCRC Library: Did you know Willoughby Church has a library? Find the 'Willoughby Faith Formation Library' through the offices or look online on our website! Whether you are looking for a devotional or a book on reflection, there are books available for all ages. This resource is open during office hours and after the Sunday service. For inquiries, email Natalie at

Start your crafting!!: On Saturday November 9, from 10am-4pm Immanuel CRC will host a Christmas Craft and Bake Fair. We invite all crafters to reserve a spot. The cost is $50 for one 8x6 area. For information, please contact Miriam deWinter at

Missionary Support Dinner & Presentation with Hannah van der Kamp - Join us for a Missionary Support Dinner and Presentation with Hannah van der Kamp, missionary in Lesvos, Greece. Friday, May 24 from 6-8 p.m. at Fleetwood CRC in Surrey. To reserve a place at the table ($25), go to

Coffee Break and Story Hour have come to a close for this ministry season. We enjoyed a lovely Closing Social Brunch this past Tuesday. It was a lovely time of fellowship. We wish everyone a blessed summer and we look forward to connecting again in September. ~Coffee Break Ministry Team~

The Gospel, Discipleship & Cultural Engagement:  Free Online Workshop with Dr. Walter Kim, Wednesday, May 22, 2024 | 11 am–12 pm. What does it look like to expand our understanding of discipleship beyond personal spirituality and ethics? Our understanding of culture, God’s grace, and human flourishing shapes our responses to the challenges we face in society, and discipleship should encompass how we navigate public life. Join Walter Kim, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, as he begins to unpack how the gospel and our discipleship can shape our response to the world with the good and beautiful truth of God. Register Here

Walk in the Spirit of Reconciliation: Join us for the 9th annual Walk in the Spirit of Reconciliation! Friday May 24th to Sunday, May 26th - We walk on this beautiful land between Fort Langley and Mission, on the unceded territory of the Stó:lō peoples, specifically the Katzie, Kwantlen, Leq’amel, Matsqui, Semiahmoo and Whonnock First Nations. We hope you will join us for any/all of the days, or do a solidarity walk in your own community, as we walk in solidarity and lament of the First Nations brothers and sisters, remembering the traumatic harm done by residential schools for so many generations. As anyone of our human family have been affected, we are all affected. Find details at or to register, click here. 

Thriving Essentials: Thriving Essentials is a new way to get all the ministry leaders in your church (Elders, Deacons, volunteers and staff, newbies and old-timers) aligned on key concepts about Mission, Discipleship, Discernment, and Leadership. These special 2-hour online sessions (2x) offer refreshing insights and can serve as a springboard to deeper conversations about ministry in your local context. Here's the latest one: Two Wednesday evenings - May 22 & 29 at 6:30pm - 8:30 (PST) <<Zoom registration link here>> Please join us for these preliminary learning sessions as we establish a learning cohort with one another. For questions or comments about Thriving Essentials, please contact Elaine May (Facilitator and Thriving Essentials Curriculum Developer): For more information about Thriving Essentials:

Cascade Family Bible Camp – July 4-8  Join us at Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, WA, for a rejuvenating experience! Embrace fellowship, worship, and camping or lodging in a stunning environment, perfect for revitalizing your daily walk. Engage with thought-provoking speakers, relish in programs tailored for kids of all ages, and indulge in a variety of activities including swimming, mini golf, tennis & basketball courts, volleyball, bocce, climbing wall, rockets, family games, a carnival and more! Secure your spot by registering online today at

Mission Central is hosting a weekend event called “Jesus Is.” This is a free event! It starts Friday evening and goes all day Saturday in Chilliwack, at the Chilliwack Heritage Park (the big red barn visible from Hwy #1). For more information including the schedule, speakers, exhibiting agencies, and more, please visit

Please pray for Synod 2024! - We need everyone to be involved. The theme for synod worship and prayer is God With Us. You can sign up to pray on your own, with your church or small group, or at Calvin University in June. Check out the many opportunities at and join us in humble prayer for God's will to be done in the CRC. Email with your questions or comments.

1Life May Newsletter: 1Life exists to curate a curriculum of resources that equips individuals and congregations to become increasingly whole-hearted, vibrant communities of Christian worship, discipline & mission. Click here for the May newsletter.

Do Justice - Justice Prayers: Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church, from the Office of Social Justice. Justice Prayers is a weekly post addressing justice issues from around the world.  Click here to pray and read more!


Denomination: May Council of Delegates Highlights  The Council of Delegates of the CRCNA met at Cascade Fellowship CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich., May 1-3, 2024.

Servant Leadership: Thrive Launches Updated Retirement Resource A newly updated resource is designed for pastors who are navigating challenges related to retirement.

Mercy & Justice: Addressing Impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery  Two Indigenous representatives of the CRC participated at a meeting of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

Groundwork: Salvation Through Jesus Christ Alone - As the Christian faith spread, the Apostle Paul often wrote letters to churches he planted to help clarify and solidify his teachings. Join Groundwork as we begin a study of his letter to the church in Galatia by studying Galatians 1. Together, we’ll study Paul’s teaching about salvation and let it continue to encourage our faith and strengthen our commitment to Christ today. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Families, check out the free downloadable resource 5 Ways to Pray with Kids— Here’s one of those ways to pray: have each person create a shape that represents what they’d like to pray about. Lego bricks, play dough, or pipe cleaners work well! Then pray about those things together. Learn more at

Job Posting:

Director of Youth & Young Adults Ministries: Willoughby Christian Reformed Church in Langley is seeking to hire a Director of Youth & Young Adults for 30 hrs per week. 

Position available – The Director of Youth & Young Adults at Willoughby Church is called to be an exemplar and spiritual leader who will help to inspire the WCRC young people to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Director of Youth & Young Adults will focus on nurturing the faith of our youth and young adult members (Grades 9-12, and ages 18-30), seeking to support them in developing their love for Jesus and for others. 

To apply please contact or (604) 530-5959 for more information. A full job description for this position is available by clicking here. 

Open Position: Stated Clerk, Classis BC South-East
Later this year Classis BC South-East will need a new stated clerk. The current clerk will complete his term in October and will not continue in the role. The position involves preparation of agendas for classis and the Classis Ministry Committee, taking minutes at the meetings, record keeping, as well as communications with churches and denominational offices in Burlington and Grand Rapids. It's a high traffic position with ties to gifted people across the classis and denomination. If you have an interest, feel free to contact the current clerk Len Batterink ( for more information. If needed, a transitional training period is available. 

The Banner: The May edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner. To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider donating.

Banner Writing Contest for Young Adults: Peacemaking - Cash prizes and winners published; enter by June 23. For details visit

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at