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Calvin University January Lecture Series 2022 –aims to cultivate deep thought and conversations about important issues of the day in order to inspire cultural renewal and make us better global citizens in God's world. 15 free lunchtime lectures, daily from January 10 - 28 from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Watch digitally on demand each day until midnight on your own device. For all the details visit   

Building Blocks of Faith: What do we need in order to grow our faith, both personally and communally? Join Robert (Calvin University)  and Laura Keeley (Faith Formation Ministries) in a conversation about the four simple yet important spiritual needs that children, teens, and adults all share. Understanding these four needs can have a life-changing impact on ALL your church’s ministries. Saturday, January 22, 9:30 – 11:00 am. Hosted by 1Life, the BC CRC ministry collective. Click Eventbrite to register. 

Engaging the CRCNA’s Synodical Report on a Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality: The release of the Study Report of the Committee to Articulate a Foundation–Laying Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality represents a significant challenge for many of our members, churches, classes, and even our denomination. The issues it tackles are relevant, personal, and important. Council would like to offer a series of 5-8 Listening Session for all who are interested in attending.  As we organize these sessions we are looking for feedback from the congregation on when & where, please take the time to fill out the questionnaire by clicking here!

Mission is All of Life: Listen to Naji Umran, our partner in missions, working in the Middle East with Resonate, tell more of his life story, and reflect on how all of our lives can be used by God when we just “be.” Click here for the podcast. 

Book Club: Have you made plans for the new year? How about joining a book club? This January 2022 (13, 20 & 27) online, from 4 - 5 pm PDT, dig into Kate Bowler's new book: No Cure for Being Human (And Other Truths I Need to Hear). Hosted by Disability Concerns CRCNA. For information and to register click here. 

Sunday Song Selection:

Here are the current song selections for this Sunday's service, please feel free to familiarize yourself with the music ahead of time by clicking on each song below. * Please note that adjustments may be made prior to Sunday morning.

  1. O Worship The King
  2. God of Wonders
  3. Who You Say I Am
  4. Blessed Assurance
  5. Jesus Loves Me
  6. All Who Are Thirsty
  7. Cornerstone 
  8. Be My Guide

The Banner: The January edition of the Banner is now available at the church. You can also access a copy online at The Banner.  To support the Banner's ongoing journalistic ministry, consider making a donation.

Today Devotion Books: The Today booklets are available at the church.

Contact for Online Bulletin: If you have anything to add to the bulletin, please email 

Contact Council: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the council at