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Council recently appointed Mark Glanville to serve as interim pastor of Willoughby Church for the next 9 months.  Willoughby Windows recently met with Mark - here’s what we learned...

WW:  Mark, you and your family recently moved here from Australia.  What brought you here?  Have you been to Canada before?

MG:  My wife, Erin, is Canadian (from Hamilton, ON) and we have moved to Vancouver to live near Canadian family, which is wonderful.  Canada is also an excellent place for me to pursue PhD studies in the Old Testament.  BC is beautiful - I love hiking and skiing.

WW:  I’ve noticed you have a put a great deal of effort in getting to know people here at Willoughby Church.  What has been your initial impression of the church? 

MG:  I have enjoyed rich conversation with many people and loved hearing their “stories”.  I am impressed by the entrepreneurial creativity I see in many people.  I appreciate the eagerness of people to grow in Christ and their joy in his Word.  I appreciate hearing how people strive to live distinctively as Christians in their places of work.  I appreciate too the multi-generational worship service. 

WW:  Anyone who has met you or heard you preach can sense that you are very enthusiastic about God’s Word.  What is it, exactly, that has you so excited?

MG:  Regarding God’s Word, I can’t do better than to quote from Psalm 19:  The law of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true and righteousness altogether.  More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.”

WW:  As we partner with you in the near future, where do you see God leading us as a church?

MG:  As people speak to me, three themes seem to emerge:  First, people are hungry for the Word of God.  Second, people are wanting to engage the world for Christ.  Third, people are committed to the maturing in Christ of every age group in the Church.