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Willoughby Church provides ongoing support for Frank and Aria Sawyer, career missionaries serving in Hungary through Christian Reformed World Missions.   In their  October/November 2011 newsletter Frank and Aria write:

“Thank you for your interest and encouragement of our work in Hungary!  This is a special year at our seminary because it has been reopened now for 20 years.  As many of you know, it was closed for 40 years (1951-1991).  It was founded at the time of the church reformation, 480 years ago in 1531.

Compared to the time of oppression during the former regime under Communism, the church today has entire freedom and entire democratic possibilities - and challenges.  Recently a special synod meeting was called here to ask:  what is the situation of our church today?  Are we reaching the youth?  What kind of church and what kind of social setting do we envision 40 years from now?

(At the seminary) we have a 35% increase in students compared to last year.  This is largely due to our opening up of a new track of study:  Theological Education by Extension program.  We train pastors, church educators, pastoral assistants, and Christian community organizers.  “Pastoral assistant” is something still new and we hope that people trained in this way will find roles in diaconal outreach, visiting the elderly, or in music, youth, evangelization and such areas where much needs to be done.  

Prayer items:

  • Praise for the Light of the World revealed through Jesus Christ;
  • Thanksgiving for the significant increase in student numbers;
  • Prayer for students participating in many forms of Christian outreach;
  • Petition for the strength to build a good education by extension program by holding classes in another city.