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Offering for weeks 1 & 2 of May:

This month our Special Offering is for The King’s University, located in Edmonton, Alberta. It offers exceptional liberal arts education from a Christian perspective and serves students from across Canada and around the world.  They believe that the world is studied best from the knowledge that it was created and belongs to God.  Being founded in the Christian faith, they try to reflect Christ’s love and grace to all members of their community, leaving students prepared for a future of bringing renewal and reconciliation in every walk of life. 

You are invited to donate through the offering plate or click here to give through Tithley (King's University)

* The Deacons we will now be doing two Special Offerings per month, The King's University will run for the first two weeks, with Indigenous Ministry CRC for weeks 3&4.  You are invited to give to either or both offerings as they will both be available on tithley for the whole month of June! *