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Our current sermon series is titled: ‘Loving the World to Life’. Via Genesis Chapters 1-3 we are rediscovering our calling to minister in the name of Christ to every part of creation. In this vein Tom Wright writes:

The gospel of Jesus points us and indeed urges us, to be at the leading edge of the whole culture, articulating in story and music and art and philosophy and education and poetry and politics and theology… a worldview which will mount the historically rooted Christian challenge to both modernity and postmodernity...

How can we be at the ‘leading edge’ of the places where God has sent us Monday to Friday, living distinctive lives that call attention to Christ’s restorative reign?

Over the next few weeks we will all be encouraged to consider the places that God has placed us from Monday to Friday. Are we placed in the home and mother’s groups? In the office? On construction sites? Etc.

We will then ask: What aspects of this place are glorifying to God? And: What aspects need to be redeemed?

Why don’t you begin writing some thoughts down this week? It would be wonderful if at the end of this series you had a written summary of the ways that God is calling you to live distinctively, that you can stick up on your office wall.

Our text this Sunday is Genesis Chapter 1. The book of Proverbs links strongly with Genesis Chapter 1, as we will see on Sunday. You might like to begin reading through Proverbs this week.